First Baptist Church of Campbellton held a special service to celebrate its 200th Anniversary on Sunday, March 16. The event was a special time for not only members of FBC Campbellton but the Campbellton community as a whole. After 200 years of serving the local community and spreading the news of Jesus, FBC Campbellton has left a major impact on more than just its members. That was clearly evident on Sunday when the church was filled to the brim with over 100 attendees and left with standing room only.
The wonderful service began with the church’s Minister of Music Janie Taylor asked everyone to stand and join her in singing “Tell Me the Story of Jesus”. Accompanied by church pianist Beth Blackmon, the service started with all members standing and worshiping Jesus through song. The church’s pastor Reverend Luther Pumphrey followed welcoming everyone to the joyous occasion and praying over the service and the church. Music led by Taylor followed leading the congregation in singing “Victory in Jesus”.
Don Hepburn Director of the Florida Baptist Historical Society, a part of the Florida Baptist Convention, followed. He thanked everyone in attendance and also thanked the members of the church for continuing to be faithful to the church. He spoke briefly on the church’s history before presenting Reverend Luther Pumphrey with a Certificate of Recognition to the church for its 200 years of ministry.
After the presentation, the church was led in singing “My Eyes Have Seen the Glory”. Reverend Luther Pumphrey then spoke about the history of the church. He gave a brief overview of the church minutes from the past 200 years speaking about the various ministers and leaders of the church. He then asked for guests to speak of their memories in the church and give their testimony. Dr. Jerry Windsor spoke about his thankfulness for the church because it was the church that started Graceville’s Damascus Baptist Church which later started First Baptist Church of Graceville. He joked, “You’re not the mother of Graceville First Baptist, but you are the grandmother.”

An Offertory Hymn, “Down at the Cross” followed with Aaron Taylor leading the offertory prayer. Dr. Windsor was then introduced as the service’s special speaker. He spoke of the importance of the church and the Baptist denomination. That was followed by singing of “Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound”. The service ended with a short goodbye from Reverend Pumphrey and prayer led by Danny Taylor. The event continued in the church’s fellowship hall where guests and members visited and enjoyed a wonderful meal.
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