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City of Graceville holds Budget Workshop and 1st Public Hearing

The City of Graceville recently held a budget workshop and the first budget public hearing. The budget workshop occurred on Thursday, September 5. City Manager Michelle Watkins and City Clerk Misty Smith went over various budget items with the five commissioners in the public meetings. The workshop included a more detailed review of the budget while the public hearing was a quick review as there was no citizens with comments at the meeting. A final budget hearing is planned for Monday, September 23.

According to the City Administration the large majority of department budgets remain unchanged. The most seen expense impacts included an increase in health insurance premiums per employee. It is estimated that the increase will be approximately “$163 per month per employee.” The only other major expense impact was $1,000 Christmas bonus’ for City employees.

Revenue increased as well with three items increasing. An increase of the Florida Power and Light Franchise Tax to 6 percent saw an increase in the city revenue as well as the county’s 9th Cents Fuel Tax increase. Watkins also noted that the increasing of water and sewer rates had also had a positive impact on revenue.

The City has also received a large amount of grant appropriations which include the Graceville Splash Pad project and a new Fire Truck for Graceville Fire Rescue. The total net increase in grant appropriations for just the two above projects is estimated to be approximately $1,625,776.64.

The City Administration also discussed each department budget during the budget workshop and answered questions during the workshop and hearing. The Administration Department seen the single-largest department increase with the budget increasing by $75,000 which was mainly due to the massive increase (approximately $70,000) in the City of Graceville’s liability insurance. It was noted in the budget packet that “the current property marker Property Insurance significantly increased. In addition, the City went through a comprehensive re-evaluation of asset values which affected property premium due to the increased replacement cost.”

The Police Department budget seen a slight decrease in its budget of just over $100. It was noted that salaries and taxes had decreased by just under $40,000 because of the restructuring of the dispatch and administrative duties. However, the savings found in the department’s salaries, taxes, and retirement was quickly swallowed up by a $7,000 increase in medical insurance and the $36,000 increase in Communications which “includes the $31,500 contract with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office plus additional funds to maintain adequate communication equipment and upgrades.”

The Recreation Department also seen a decrease of just over $20,000. The majority of the decrease was found in salaries due to the loss of a position. The Administration noted in its packet that the decrease “reflects reduction of a position created during the period of COVID which we could not get inmate labor.”

The Streets Department also had a slight increase of just over $8,000 to its budget. The majority of that increase could be found in electricity cost which increased by $10,000. The budget packet noted the, “increase in electrical cost [is] largely due to streetlight conversion to LED’s.”

The Sanitation, Cemetery, Fire, Water, Sewer, and Wastewater Treatment Plan remained mostly unchanged. The City of Graceville’s Certified Taxable Value of Real Property is estimated to be $109,465,765. The City of Graceville has a proposed Millage of 4.00 Mills which will get the City an Ad Valorem Tax Revenue budget of $415,969.91.

To view the City Budget Workshop or First Public Hearing in its entirety visit The Graceville News Facebook Page. To learn more about the 2024-2025 Proposed Operating Budget or to obtain a copy call the City of Graceville at 850-263-3250.

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